
Reflexion about design

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Reflexion about design

Today I want to explain my point of view about design in permaculture !

I want to talk about design and the designers of life. I recently read about the idea of design in permaculture. And this part helped me make the connection with my own life. That’s why I’d like to share this diary of the first day of March with you.

Ever since I was a child, I’ve had the feeling that my life isn’t entirely my own, or rather that my choices are directed. I’m not totally free to choose and design my life.

The obligation to go to school, to have timetables, routines and rules ….
So sometimes I used to say to myself, this life isn’t mine, I have to follow the classic path and that’s that.
But since I arrived in Barcelona everything has changed. I really feel that I can design my life the way I want.

Design is about bringing together what we have to generate the values we want. EDWARD DE BONO
We are all designers. In fact, our whole life is a design. It can be something as random as organising your day, getting involved in a project…

And the day you understand that, life becomes a lot more fun. There are 3 steps to follow: Look at where you are, become aware of where you want to go and identify the steps you need to take to get there.

It sounds very abstract and complicated but it’s not, you just need to take the time to think about it and go slowly.

Little by little, it’s a process.

I’m so grateful to be learning more about the permaculture way of life every day.

For example, more concretely, before I realised that I was the designer of my life, I might have refused to wake up at 6 in the morning to bake bread, or go hiking in the mountains for the sunset after a day’s work, or go sailing.
Because before I wasn’t very confident in the life around me. I can’t say that’s completely the case now, but it’s better.

Now I want to take the risk of doing new things. Because for me, all new things are good for growing.
Always with the three ethics, peoplecare, earthcare and fairshare.

Let’s Connect and Regenerate!

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